"Ever thought of giving up?"
Remember me? I gave you life...
Ever thought of how the worst possible relationship would look? How would you picture it? Constant fighting? Distrust? Infidelity? Abuse? Knowing your partner fantasizes about other people while you're in bed? Being forced to do things you're not comfortable with? Feeling your partner never does enough for you? Feeling you can't do what your partner asks of you? Which would you think was worse?
Or can you think beyond those things? Can you imagine worse? Have you thought of other complications? Maybe you're thinking of depressed couples, slowly making each other worse, blaming each other for not making anything better, staying to make sure the pain of loss isn't added to their already heavy hearts? Hearing the words "I can't live without you" and knowing they are meant litterally? Having to weigh every word on your tongue, because they might lead to the death of your partner - at the hands of the same partner? Or is it worse to be at the other end? To have a partner that at any moment could suck your last will to live right out of you? Can you imagine loving a person in that situation? What would you do for love?
...you would not take it.